Reports list
Monday, 08 December 2014Абрамович Г.Я.*, Кузьмин М.И.** Металлогения Северо-Западного Присаянья: геодинамический аспект *Иркутский государственный университет (Иркутск), Россия **Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт геохимии им. А.П. Виноградова ...
Participants list
Monday, 08 December 2014Abramovich G.Y., D.Sc. in Geological Science Иркутский государственный университет (Irkutsk), Russia Akulov N.I., D.Sc. in Geological Science Institute of the Earths Crust of SB RAS (Irkutsk), Russia Alimov V.Y. ООО Научно-производственное ...
Conference's program
Monday, 08 December 201422.10.2012 14:00.ОТКРЫТИЕ СОВЕЩАНИЯ(2) ИДСТУ СО РАН Председатель - Кузьмин М.И. 1. Кузьмин Михаил Иванович * Вступительное слово *Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт геохимии им. А.П. Виноградова Сибирского отделения РАН ...
Monday, 08 December 20141. Geodynamics, tectonics and plume magmatism. 2. Rocks of different geodynamic settings and mantle-crust processes in their formation. Association of mineralization with evolution of magmatism, metamorphism and metasomatism. 3. Geochemistry and ...
Registration fee
Monday, 08 December 2014Registration Fees – 2000 roubles
Monday, 08 December 2014Postal address of the Conference Committee: Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGC SB RAS) 664033, P.B. 4019, Irkutsk, Favorky str. Phone: + 7 (3952) 426500, +7 (3952) 511468 (time difference ...
General information
Monday, 08 December 2014The Organizing Committee will publish abstracts of scientific communications before the conference; the abstracts will be available at the conference website:, The Program Committee may decline to ...
Abstract submission
Monday, 08 December 2014PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION TITLE IS GIVEN IN BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS, FONT 12; surnames and initials of authors after one blank line (underline the name of the speaker), font 12, affiliation and electronic address – font 12 italic ...
Important dates
Monday, 08 December 2014DEADLINE The registration forms and abstracts will be accepted till 15 June 2012 by e-mail: (Parkhomenko Irina Yul’evna) (please confirm receiving your abstract)
Program committee
Monday, 08 December 2014Mikhail I. Kuzmin – Chairman, Academician of RAS, Director of Institute of Geochemistry SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia Shatskiy V.S. – Vice-chairman, Corresponding member of RAS, Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia Spiridonov ...
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