Invitation to the Conference on Accessory Minerals (CAM-2019)
Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Urals Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (http://eng.igg.uran.ru/), and Russian Mineralogical Society cordially invite you to attend the international Conference on Accessory Minerals (CAM-2019) https://sites.google.com/view/cam-2019/home. The conference will be held from 3rd to 5th September 2019 at the Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, UB RAS in Ekaterinburg.
Conference topics include:
Physics, chemistry and spectroscopy of accessory minerals
Alteration mechanisms of accessory minerals
Accessory minerals in ore-forming processes
The role of accessory minerals in petrogenetic studies
Accessory minerals as geochronometers
Accessory minerals as geothermobarometers
Accessory minerals as guides to the nature of hydrothermal fluids
Analytical techniques in the study of accessory minerals
CAM-2019 programme will comprise three days of thematic sessions, including keynote, invited and contributed oral presentations, dedicated times for poster presentations, and a comprehensive range of pre- (29th August 2019 – 2nd September 2019) and post-conference (6th – 7th September 2019) field trips. The conference will also provide a number of social events in order to encourage networking and informal discussions among participants.
Official language – English.
Early-bird registration will start on 1st February 2019. Do not miss the opportunity to attend CAM-2019.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Ekaterinburg!