Уважаемые коллеги и друзья!
Приглашаем Вас послушать лекции двух замечательных ученых из Научных центров Объединения Гельмгольца: профессора Паоло Джубеллино, научного директора Центра им. Гельмгольца по исследованию тяжелых ионов и директора мегаустановки FAIR (г. Дармштадт) и профессора Штефана Блюгеля, ведущего ученого Института им. Петера Грюнберга и Института передового моделирования Исследовательского центра Юлих (г. Юлих) Лекции пройдут в рамках Фестиваля науки в онлайн-формате на английском языке с русским переводом. (https://www.festivalnauki.ru/)
Проф. Джубеллино (GSI/FAIR) расскажет в своей лекции о создании уникального научного комплекса FAIR (Facility for antiproton and ion research) в Дармштадте, который позволит ученым разгадать секреты макро- и микрокосмоса.
Лекция состоится 10.10.2020 г., с 11.00 ч. до 12.00 ч.
Проф. Штефан Блюгель (FZJ) представит новейшие исследования в области магнетизма, расскажет об удивительных квазичастицах – скирмионах и о том, как результаты исследований можно будет применять в будущих информационных технологиях.
Лекция состоится 10.10.2020 г., с 14 ч. 45 мин. до 15 ч. 45 мин.
Moscow Science Festival
10.10.2020 г.
Speaker: Prof. Paolo Giubellino, Scientific Managing Director of the GSI Helmholtz Center and of the FAIR international Laboratory, Darmstadt, Germany. The Helmholtz Association
The Universe in the Laboratory.
“In Darmstadt, Germany, the construction of a futuristic place is underway, where it will be possible to study the structure and evolution of matter on both a microscopic and cosmic scale, thus bringing our Universe into a single laboratory. This is FAIR, one of the largest and most innovative scientific research projects in Europe, which sees the participation of ten partner countries and more than 2500 scientists and engineers from all over the world. FAIR will allow for an unprecedented variety of advanced research. Designed as an extension of the historic GSI laboratory, in which six new elements have been discovered and anti-cancer therapy with nuclear beams has been introduced, FAIR will conduct research on the properties of the strong force and, in particular, on its role in evolution of the Universe and in the definition of the fundamental elements of the visible world around us, opening a new era for nuclear astrophysics. We will examine the properties of matter under extreme conditions, both at the subatomic and macroscopic levels, and the applications of ion beams to the study of materials, medicine and space research. Are you ready to take a leap into the future? Come and discover the science of tomorrow with FAIR!”
10.10.2020 г.
Speaker: Prof. Stefan Blügel, Peter Grünberg Institute and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. The Helmholtz Association.
Magnetic Skyrmions – novel particles made off magnetic swirls on the nanoscale
„Magnetism is known for more than 2000 years. Recently it was found that inside the magnetism we can have single isolated magnetic swirls of nanometer size that are stable and have particle like properties. They can be moved fast by electrons and electron ride on them where their spins are making funny twists. They are named skyrmions because the underlying mathematical nature has similarities with the field theory developed by Skyrme describing the low-energy physics of the nuclei. They are also understood as topological solitons, where the topological nature provides a protection in the same way as a donut cannot be transformed into a ball without rupture. In this lecture I will introduce the nature and the properties of these particles and will show that the underlying mechanism stabilizing the skyrmion is a chiral interaction known as the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. I will show how materials can be designed to exhibit the Skyrmions with particular properties. I will also show how these particles may be used in future information technology and for beyond John von Neumann computing.”
Будем рады, если Вы присоединитесь к нам в этом путешествии в удивительный мир науки.